Very often a little bit of assistance can make an immense difference to a life. With a primary focus on the youth, women and persons with disabilities and a systematic approach that concentrates efforts on one wilayat at a time, Eshraqa has been making that difference. By supporting a variety of institutions and individuals including government schools, hospitals and health centres, NGOs, women’s associations and small business owners we empower them and by doing so we enable them to contribute to the success of our nation.
Anil Khimji - Director,
Khimji Ramdas Group
Our society only grows when we all work together to support and sustain it in every way possible. At Eshraqa we endeavour to do just that through a series of initiatives that have already reached out across wilayats to touch lives and we will continue to expand our efforts across Oman to help create a future that the generations to come will thrive in. Working in association with various governmental institutions we consider ourselves to be truly privileged to be able to contribute in our small way to our nation and in doing so help realise His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik’s vision for the people of Oman.